Services / Getting Started

I deliver results-focused training programs that will train your dog while giving you the skills to confidently maintain good behavior. How? By working directly with you and your dog in the comfort of your home in one-on-one, judgement-free training sessions.

Whatever struggles you’ve had so far, I promise that dog training can and will be both a FUN and FULFILLING experience.

Here’s what it looks like to get started:

Behavior Assessment

Every client starts with an in-home consultation and behavior assessment for their dog. During this session we’ll chat about the changes you would like to see in your dog. I can help you fix a wide range of issues including puppy etiquette, obedience, socialization, kenneling/crate training, leash pulling, biting, reactivity, separation anxiety and more.

The consultation also gives me a chance to get a firsthand look at your dog’s behavior, reactions, responses - all the things I need to develop your training plan.

The assessment process is mandatory and is a flat rate of $120 (includes full behavior report and recommendations).


Each assessment is followed by a report containing observed behaviors and recommendations for dog training based on your goals and the changes you’re after. No two owners are the same and no two dogs are the same, and that’s why the consultation is key to design the right plan for you.

I understand not all pet owners have the same resources for training, so I always include multiple training options, with alternatives that range in both financial and time commitment.


Now that we have an understanding of the issues and what our goals are, it’s time to start tackling training. Everything we do is at your speed and comfort level.

You’ll be amazed how fast results can come when you start with a solid foundation.

Even if you’ve worked with a trainer before and had mixed results, I’m confident I can help.

Ready to get started?
Book a consultation.

Take the first step towards getting the behaviors you need from your furry friend.